Work and Play and Nutrition

I am forever caught in the balance between work and play, what I consider to be play, and nutrition.

Yes, I love to go to concerts and jam out (I've been known to come back with whiplash and silently curse whichever band all day at work) but more importantly, I get a serious rise from conferences.

Weird, yes, maybe.

But if what you do doesn't excite you, maybe you're in the wrong biz.

Anyways. When I go to concerts, I typically don't care about cheating for one meal before or after and being good the rest of the week, maybe twice a month (when I was lucky all summer it was 2-3 times a week so I had to retrain my mind to recognize that some concerts weren't cheat meal worthy... That's a whole 'nother story).

But when I attend conferences, typically sleep deprived from work the day before and driving to whichever city (because most aren't in my town), I'm trying stay awake with food thrown at me left and right. Awful influences and the habit of using food to keep my head from hitting the table.

This was the first conference I have been to where I didn't eat the dessert they provided. Or even fruit! (Again, another story for another day)


The issue isn't that other people are tempting you, the issue is that you want it. You don't need it.

And you give into yourself.

Because you "love" yourself.

Because you work "hard" enough.

But I'm here to tell you that you love your health more and your work hard to keep yourself healthy.

Why are you ruining that?

Yes, I brought my own protein and bars and I had some nuts and vegetables ladened with butter. But the plan was to keep my diet, to prove to myself that I could. And when, after more than 2 YEARS of struggling, I was finally able to commit...

I couldn't stop smiling all the way home.

How empowering is it to finally trust yourself to do the right thing for yourself, by yourself, with no external positive reinforcement?

Perhaps even negative reactions from friends and family who cannot understand the "new" you.

How simply amazing that we are, that we can be, and that we should be, all we are.

<3 MAA


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