
Are my Sundays. I work in the operating room as a nurse on the weekends, so Thursdays are the last night where I can veg a little and have to make sure that the next 4 days are set up to kick ass.

Today was my first real day "off" in a long time. I didn't get enough sleep, thanks anxiety for kicking into high gear at 0300 and not settling until 0500, but I jumped out of bed at 0609. Tuesdays and Thursdays I work out with a personal trainer I have had for years.

He just makes me happy. Not all the time, not always, some days I curse him more than I smile.

But the challenges he has put me through and his ability to believe in me when I did not think I could do a simple box jump, much less the training we do now, I could not live without that elation.

This post is two-fold.

Remember to find time to plan and prepare when you know that upcoming days will be difficult.

Remember to thank the ones who support you.

Remember you're worthy.



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