Moving Up

I find it difficult to move up in the workplace. For the workplace, my only suggestion is to continue to learn through formal education and certificates and put yourself in a position to mentor and be mentored.
The reason I love AORN is that the Dallas chapter brought me in and gave me a position of authority in order to help our membership. I was asked for my input as a millennial and I asked questions of potential mentors in order to provide the best service to the chapter. I am still learning how to ask, question, and delegate in order to achieve the best results of my team, formally or informally. My PhD tract is helping me learn, as well as informal mentors through committees at work and in AORN. I received these positions by networking and asking how I can help. When given an assignment, I follow through and I perform well. I ask questions when I’m not sure of the assignment or what the team needs.
I’m an open book and I ask questions until I have a complete picture. My suggestion for young nurses is to increase their emotional awareness, both of themselves and persons around them. Learn how to manage and be a strong leader before the formal opportunities are presented. Ask for mentors and always provide mentorship whenever possible. Take care of yourself and develop your practice and your natural strengths. Focus on being the best you, and the rest will follow.
I hope that helps! Thanks for the question.


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