When I started training with the third personal trainer in my life, it was the first time someone said he saw the passion in me and believed that I could look like Ronda Rousey. My first trainer never built the trust that I could, and perhaps it was because she did not know me before I started training. My second trainer never pushed me, and perhaps it was because I did not have the correct goal. When I started training and literally threw away any and all excuses, I was 175 pounds. I ate next to nothing, but made up for the calories in alcohol. I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and I had watched this trainer as much as he said he watched me. When we entered into that contract, there were 3 rules: come with intensity, listen to his nutritionist, no alcohol for 3 months. To be honest, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do (besides the work outs that followed, but short-term physical pain has always been easier to deal with than long...