
Showing posts from March, 2017

What Do You Want?

Asking for what you want is the hardest part. What do you want? It should be easy right? You want the money, the things, the body... But what are you willing to sacrifice for? Those things will take sacrifice. Those things will take time. Those things will push your priorities around. My priorities are all over the place. I want the PhD, because I want the achievement. I want the body, because I want the win. I want the man, because I want that feeling of success. I don't crave things, I crave feelings. And that is really hard to handle when you're raised in a society that puts the value in "things". I don't want things, I want experiences. What do you want?


I have zero patience. Us nurses, we joke about it. But I literally have no patience. It's kind of a problem. I'll sit here and wait the 2 hours to eat (angrily). But I won't sit on the phone waiting for you to tell me, for the 4th time, why I shouldn't use another dealer. It's a game, and I won't play it. So the whole point of this post was, find what deserves your patience, and fuel that fire.


Life has a funny way of telling you that you're wrong. This weekend my best friend went through a 10 hour surgery. Now she's recovering, and the realization that I have a fantastic, huge support group has really hit home. I was the only friend waiting for her to get out. I was the only friend who imposed her, the family, the nurses, and came to the hospital. I know I'm not the only one concerned, I told people she was fine on facebook when they asked. And don't get me wrong, if it were me in that room I would ask everyone to leave. But it made me so grateful for the ones who wouldn't listen. Let your people know you love them, even when there are goals that distract you from their attention. This life is far too short to wait for the event that makes you realize you haven't said "I love you" enough.